With the increasing intensity of sunlight, even seemingly harmless sunlight, office lighting, and blue light from 3C products can potentially damage the skin, leading to irreversible photoaging.
Once firm and radiant skin can develop wrinkles, dark spots, loss of elastic collagen, and dullness from prolonged exposure to these light sources, increasing the risk of skin cancer.
To address the issues caused by photoaging, we introduce the following natural anti-UV products:
Imdermalab® Herbal Guard: Absorbs UVB to protect skin from damage, validated through experiments to enhance SPF value.
Imdermalab® HG-BL: Absorbs blue light to prevent penetration and skin damage.
Imdermalab® Crystorchid: Absorbs UVA/B light and swiftly neutralizes free radicals generated after exposure to light, effectively safeguarding the skin.
UV light is omnipresent, applying sunscreen is important, however daily skincare is equally crucial. Incorporating anti-UV products into daily moisturizers, night creams, and post-sun soothing products helps mitigate UV-induced skin damage, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer over time.