Imdermalab® TrioWhite

Imdermalab® TrioWhite


Derived from the pure and flawless native Taiwanese species - the Pearl Orchid, bathed in the pure morning sun and evening mist of Alishan's pristine forests for 1460 days, harvested at the peak of its bloom, and extracted within the freshest 14 days to obtain high concentrations of essence. Through meticulous green processes, every 20kg yields only 1g of orchid crystals, rare and transparent like crystals. Experimental analysis reveals three types of flavonoid components in the orchid extract, exhibiting 16 times more effective tyrosinase inhibition than arbutin and 5 times more effective than vitamin C, effectively suppressing melanin production. Through safety assessments, it proves non-irritating to the skin. Additionally, combined with multi-target whitening strategies of kojic acid and vitamin B3, it accelerates the whitening and spot-reducing effects.


  • Spot Whitening
  • Anti-photoaging
  • Neutralize free radicals
  • Sun protection (UVA absorption)

Mechanism of action

  • Effectively inhibits melanin production induced by α-MSH
  • The effect of inhibiting tyrosinase activity is 4 times higher than that of arbutin
  • Neutralizes more than 90% of free radicals within 1 hour
  • Effectively absorbs UVA


Efficacy Test IN-VITRO

  • Neutralizes free radicals/inhibits tyrosine/total polyphenols
  • In vitro and In-vivo spot lightening tests

Safety Tests

  • Passed the OECD 439 Alternative Skin Irritation Test
  • Passed the OECD 442C Test: no skin sensitisation
  • By repetitive human patch test (RIPT)
  • Passed the phototoxicity and photosensitivity tests of AMA laboratory in the United States
  • Heavy metal detection by SGS


  • Whitening and spot-reducing product
  • Anti-photoaging product
  • Post-sun soothing product
  • Emphasizing natural Clean Beauty products


Niacinamide (and) Tranexamic Acid (and) Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian Flower Extract


Solubility: Water-soluble
Appearance: Off-white powder
pH Value: 6.0~8.0 @25℃
Storage conditions: Room temperature, avoid light




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